Demonstration of akwa-market options.

Watch this instructional video. See how to register and place first advert.

Password recovery. How to do it?

If you have forgotten your login password, you can recover it using the option 'password recovery'.
You will need them; email address and username that have been assigned to this account. You will receive an email with instructions. A new temporary password will be generated automatically and sent to your mailbox. Remember to change them later in the user panel. You will enter the panel automatically after logging in, or by clicking on your username in the header of the page.

Ad or user reporting.

What if I see a suspicious ad? Each logged in user can react to irregularities on the website in connection with the violation of the rules by other members of the akwa-market community. For this purpose, the option of reporting ads and users was introduced. The 'report this ad' button is on the subpage with the details of a specific advertisement. On the other hand, the 'report this user' button is in the public profile of each user.

How do I close my account and delete my data?

If you would like to close your account and delete all your data, reply to a private message with the title 'FROM ADMINISTRATION', you received it from the administration immediately after creating the account. Describe your expectations in the message. You can also report your intention to close your account by writing to the email address
The data collected from you during the routine use of the website will be deleted within a few days. Your data will be deleted from your user profile (username, email address, telephone number, location data, registration and last login time), as well as lists of iems or animals and plants, photos and descriptions entered by you in the ads. The ratings and opinions entered by you regarding the offer of other users, which you entered after completed transactions, as well as information about the received ratings and opinions after completed transactions, will remain without interference.